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Provincia de Tungurahua

7.7 / 10

Tungurahua is one of the twenty-four provinces of Ecuador. Its capital is Ambato. The province takes its name from the Tungurahua volcano, which is located within the boundaries of the provinces.PopulationIn 2011, Tungurahua had an estimated population of 581,389. Approximately 10% of that population is made up of indigenous peoples, while another 70% are of mestizo or mixed race heritage. Leer más

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Popularidad de Provincia de Tungurahua

Provincia de Tungurahua Puntuación en las redes sociales:
7.7 / 10
  Este valor se basa en el número de visitas, en el número de "checkins", y en el número de "likes" en Facebook en los últimos meses.
Mayor actividad en febrero:
Provincia de Tungurahua tiene un total de 175347 visitas ("checkins") y 2594 "likes".